We have promised to use 50% of our earnings towards the betterment of the society.
First priority is to start a Skill Development Centre for the needy ones.
Questions in your mind are
Why skill development centre?
- Dropout ratio in schools is very high and there is no instant solution for it. The education system build over the years has not completely worked the way nation/we expected it to be.
- We don't think we have the solution for the problem but what we can do is to provide a instant relief, few short courses we will teach some very basic skills like
language, behavior,
computers and will make people suitable for the jobs.
How we will execute the idea of skill development center?
What will be the location of the centre?
- We don't need a detailed research to select a location which is bad thing for us. One quality we look for location is reach, so that people coming to us don't face issues related to transportation.
First centre
will be in
eastern side of city. There will be many such centre as there is need for it and will benefit both community and corporate.
- We need your support to start the first centre and close it after 10 years of operation as I feel there is no substitution for the education and there should not be differentiation based on needy people and rest. We all have needs and we all are needy people.
- If you by kites & firkis from us it will help me start the skill development centres & to fund my start up venture.
By the way I was fascinated by kites at the age of 4 and I sold my first kites when I was in 3rd Std (@the age of 5). So it's a long experience in the business for me too.
- All financials records will be made public. I can always give 100% earning for the social welfare but I also need funds for my start up company. So I decided to make it 50-50.
(I am also a needy one ha..ha..ha..)