About us


We are getting ready to deliver quality products & services

Uttarayan is a Festival full of life & fun.

It has color, cloths, latest music, dance, competition & what not!

Every year we have something new in this festival.

Here we are with www.PatangDori.com.

PatangDori.com is committed to offer complete solution for a healthy celebration for the festival of kites.

Corporate social responsibility

We are committed to use 50 % of our earnings in following activities.

  • We will make sure that workers associated with kite making are paid appropriately.
  • We will make sure their children get good education.
  • Birds are most badly affected during Uttarayan so we will support all NGOs/individuals working for birds.
  • We will create awareness about celebrating festival of kites and Joy in a healthy way.

If you have any suggestion or piece of advise please

call us at 9274233154
or E mail me at

Thanking you from the bottom of my heart:

Hemant Dave



Charity is injurious unless it helps the recipient to become independent of it.

St Francis of Assisi

