What will be the first priority?


We have promised to use 50% of our earnings towards the betterment of the society.

First priority is to start a Skill Development Centre for the needy ones.

Questions in your mind are

  • Why skill development centre?
    • Dropout ratio in schools is very high and there is no instant solution for it. The education system build over the years has not completely worked the way nation/we expected it to be.
    • We don't think we have the solution for the problem but what we can do is to provide a instant relief, few short courses we will teach some very basic skills like
      language, behavior,
      computers and will make people suitable for the jobs.
  • How we will execute the idea of skill development center?
    • The first thing is
      to listen to the people from corporate, industry, & those who are directly related to employment. So we get to know the details about in demand qualities and skills.
    • The second thing is to prepare the basic courses for different age groups like youngsters, adults, women, and elder people. We will take help of experts/students in the field of developmental communication.
    • The courses will be prepared considering
      the work environment, timings, location etc.
      • For example …..
        • Women
          will be trained
          in basic computers and some particular skill to operate certain programs for data entry.
        • Image editing in Photoshop like removing background using magic wand where professional skills are not needed
          but demand is huge in the industry so women can work sitting at home/centre and earn lively hood.
      • Youngsters will be trained in behavior skill and some ruff jobs which they can take up after 30 hours of training.
      • Elders will be educated about need for insurance, banking, schooling in very friendly manners so that they can be a leaders
        in their own mohallas, localities and can act as a lead generators for the particular sectors too.
  • What will be the location of the centre?
    • We don't need a detailed research to select a location which is bad thing for us. One quality we look for location is reach, so that people coming to us don't face issues related to transportation.

    • First centre
      will be in
      eastern side of city. There will be many such centre as there is need for it and will benefit both community and corporate.
  • We need your support to start the first centre and close it after 10 years of operation as I feel there is no substitution for the education and there should not be differentiation based on needy people and rest. We all have needs and we all are needy people.
  • If you by kites & firkis from us it will help me start the skill development centres & to fund my start up venture.
    By the way I was fascinated by kites at the age of 4 and I sold my first kites when I was in 3rd Std
    (@the age of 5). So it's a long experience in the business for me too.

  • All financials records will be made public. I can always give 100% earning for the social welfare but I also need funds for my start up company. So I decided to make it 50-50.

(I am also a needy one ha..ha..ha..)

  • Even if you don't buy & still like to support me to start a skill development centre please get in touch with me.
    • email address studioh.hemant@gmail.com
    • Mobile no: 9824302166,
      • Yahoo id :    h_vdave@yahoo.com
      • Gtalk id:     studioh.hemant
      • Skype id:    talk2hemant
      • www.whoishemant.blogspot.com
    • Residential address:
      • Hemant Dave
      • 103,Abhinandan apt
      • Navavadaj
      • Ahmedabad,380013
      • Gujarat, India




