Stop using Chinese thread this uttarayan

mahorbaanaI krI nao Aa }tarayaNa maa caa{naIH daorI naa vaaparSaao

karNa ko……….

  • caa{naIH daorI plaasTIk ko Jonao paaolaImar maaqaI banaavaolaI haoya Co.Anao AapaNao sahu JaNaIAo CIyao ko paaolaImar Ao Atyaaro pa`duYaNa nauM Aok naaqaI na Sakaya taovauM svarupa Co.
  • Jyaaro caa[naIH daorI nao paaolaImar maaqaI banaavaaya Co maaTo BaoJ naI Asar qataI naqaI Anao laaMbaa samaya paCI paNa rMga Anao Anya gauNaQa-maao JLavaa{ rho Co.
  • caa[naIH daorI nao taOyaar krvaa kacanaao Bauka naI badlao laaoKaMD naao paavaDr lagaaDolaao haoya Co Jonaa laIQao vaIJLaI naao Saaok laagavaanaI paNa saMBaavanaa rholaI Co.
  • }tarayaNa paCI paNa paxaIAao nakamaI paDolaI daorI naao SaIkar banataa haoya Co.rKaDtaa paSauAao paNa daorI vagaoro baIja kcara saaqao Kaa{ Jaya Co.
  • Baaritaya daorI ko Jonao AapaNao barolaI,saurtaI maaMJao kihyao CIyao taonao taOyaar krvaa ru maaMqaI banaavaola daorI vaparaya Co JonaI }par kacanaao Baukao lagaavaola haoya Co Jonaao mauKya fayadao Co ko Jao daorI qaaoDa dIvasa bahar JmaIna par paDI haoya taao BaoJ naa laIQao qaaoDa samayamaaM kaca KarI Jaya Co Anao daorI paNa maJbautaa{,rMga vagaoro gaumaavaI do Co Anao kao{ pa`aNaI ko gaaya naa KaavaamaaM AavaI Jaya taao paNa naukSaana krtaI naqaI.
  • Jao tamao Baartamaao banataI daorI vaaparSaao taao paNa }tarayaNa naaM AanaMdmaa kao{ AaoCpa nahI Aavao paNa fayadao AoTlaao Jrur qaSao ko sqaanaIk karIgar laaokao nao bao paOsaa maLaSao Anao payaa-varNa nao paNa vaQau naukSaana qatauM ATkSao.
  • vaLaI paaCu fIrkI naI horfor paNa BaartamaaMJ Anao tao paNa AaoCa AMtarmaa qaSao JoqaI AaDktarI rItao {MQaNa qaI     qatauM pa`duYaNa paNa GaTSao.

AaTlaaM baQaa fayada caa{naIH daorI nahI vaaparvaanaa qataa haoya taao mahorbaanaI krInao saMklpa krao ko caa{naIH daorI nahI laavaao Anao baIJanauM paNa Qyaana daorvauM Ao tamaarI frJ Co


Published by as part of responsible communication for Public interest & environment.


What will be the first priority?


We have promised to use 50% of our earnings towards the betterment of the society.

First priority is to start a Skill Development Centre for the needy ones.

Questions in your mind are

  • Why skill development centre?
    • Dropout ratio in schools is very high and there is no instant solution for it. The education system build over the years has not completely worked the way nation/we expected it to be.
    • We don't think we have the solution for the problem but what we can do is to provide a instant relief, few short courses we will teach some very basic skills like
      language, behavior,
      computers and will make people suitable for the jobs.
  • How we will execute the idea of skill development center?
    • The first thing is
      to listen to the people from corporate, industry, & those who are directly related to employment. So we get to know the details about in demand qualities and skills.
    • The second thing is to prepare the basic courses for different age groups like youngsters, adults, women, and elder people. We will take help of experts/students in the field of developmental communication.
    • The courses will be prepared considering
      the work environment, timings, location etc.
      • For example …..
        • Women
          will be trained
          in basic computers and some particular skill to operate certain programs for data entry.
        • Image editing in Photoshop like removing background using magic wand where professional skills are not needed
          but demand is huge in the industry so women can work sitting at home/centre and earn lively hood.
      • Youngsters will be trained in behavior skill and some ruff jobs which they can take up after 30 hours of training.
      • Elders will be educated about need for insurance, banking, schooling in very friendly manners so that they can be a leaders
        in their own mohallas, localities and can act as a lead generators for the particular sectors too.
  • What will be the location of the centre?
    • We don't need a detailed research to select a location which is bad thing for us. One quality we look for location is reach, so that people coming to us don't face issues related to transportation.

    • First centre
      will be in
      eastern side of city. There will be many such centre as there is need for it and will benefit both community and corporate.
  • We need your support to start the first centre and close it after 10 years of operation as I feel there is no substitution for the education and there should not be differentiation based on needy people and rest. We all have needs and we all are needy people.
  • If you by kites & firkis from us it will help me start the skill development centres & to fund my start up venture.
    By the way I was fascinated by kites at the age of 4 and I sold my first kites when I was in 3rd Std
    (@the age of 5). So it's a long experience in the business for me too.

  • All financials records will be made public. I can always give 100% earning for the social welfare but I also need funds for my start up company. So I decided to make it 50-50.

(I am also a needy one ha..ha..ha..)

  • Even if you don't buy & still like to support me to start a skill development centre please get in touch with me.
    • email address
    • Mobile no: 9824302166,
      • Yahoo id :
      • Gtalk id:     studioh.hemant
      • Skype id:    talk2hemant
    • Residential address:
      • Hemant Dave
      • 103,Abhinandan apt
      • Navavadaj
      • Ahmedabad,380013
      • Gujarat, India


I am very passionate about Utarayan and kites like every Amadavadi but last year Utarayan I did not get time to prepare my firki and bought 2 readymade firkis from Tankshal and I was not satisfied with Quality & Quantity of that firki and my Utarayan was not so good due to that.

But this year I started this venture to provide original firki from Bhagvandas and Bareli to all utarayan lovers.

We have come up with very exciting offers too.

So that now you don't need to go to traffic congested roads and wait for your firkis to get ready we offer only Quality firkis and all variety of kites.


Here are few of the offers please book your order as early as possible we will make sure you get your firki ready before 10th JAN.

Thanking you     :    Hemant Dave (9274233154)

About us    

We are getting ready to deliver quality products & services

Uttarayan is a Festival full of life & fun.

It has color, cloths, latest music, dance, competition & what not!

Every year we have something new in this festival.

Here we are with is committed to offer complete solution for a healthy celebration for the festival of kites.

Corporate social responsibility

We are committed to use 50 % of our earnings in following activities.

  • We will make sure that workers associated with kite making are paid appropriately.
  • We will make sure their children get good education.
  • Birds are most badly affected during Uttarayan so we will support all NGOs/individuals working for birds.
  • We will create awareness about celebrating festival of kites and Joy in a healthy way.

If you have any suggestion or piece of advise please

call us at 9274233154
or E mail me at

Thanking you from the bottom of my heart:

Hemant Dave



Charity is injurious unless it helps the recipient to become independent of it.

St Francis of Assisi
